a month ago
No Mean City
I do love that level. I found two different paths, but one too long to make sense. The other brings me 4 off. I tried to cut without success for now. Maybe there is a 3rd one? Will see ** one year later** I found a completely different route, but still 4 off. Let's see how much I can optimize on this one. Yeah! 2 off! There is hope LOL. Based on other comments, I suspect I have to focus on bottom right corner :D
13 years ago: Incredible! This one is the very first one when I did not encounter a 2 off situation!!!! 1 year ago: Can't rebeat it, stuck 4 off. Today: Rebeaten! Again no 2 off (4 off to winning), Yeah! Like for many boards I have on hold since years, route was correct and the 4 steps cut was simply a different way to pick up a block at a certain location... If you would know how many different routes I tried that were of course not working, since my route was correct... What for a time loss LOL
Found a few 2 offs before getting this. Solution is not super satisfying imo...
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