I had solved it 16 years ago after a long - very long - work. One bad thing: I couldn't remember the route. One good thing: I seem to recall, vaguely, one key point to solve it. First, I was rapidly back 2 off on an optimized route. Then I was back 2 off on a different - also optimized - route. That's how I understood that what I seem to recall must be true, so I started working on an entirely different 3rd route, according to my nebulous souvenir. At first I was far away, until I notice a different way to go at a certain location that suddenly brought me 6 off. From there, it was optimization work until I got it. Soooooo happy! *Bouncing around my chair* This level is so incredibly good with all the different difficult routes leading 2 off, and additional difficulty to determine what one is the one... That's 6 stars for me.
(11 years ago) Great level! I am still 2 off, after 88 tries ... Will keep trying. :) Edit1: After 143 tries I've found a completely different 2 off. This Machine is complicated, esp. if ur a woman. ;) Edit: After 335 tries I finally found the 150 path. :) Terrific level! :)) EDIT, 10th March, 2024: Still such a great level! I didn't remember the solution, so I had to start practically from scratch. Had two completely different 152s, again, before I finally resolved it.
I got it finally
My favorite level to come out of the STB competition. Fun, messy, and a ton of options to move blocks around. Maybe not optimal yet but probably close.
Difficult to get everything sorted out in this level. I think my general path is good, but I am sure I am missing all kinds of pipelines. Let see what the final stepcount will turn out :)
Woooow, the current number of steps is the same as the year of this movie release. If I was a beast I'd tell I got completely stumped. But even so, I consider this a great level. EDIT (about an hour later): I now saw a possibility to break through, but probably my 807 is far from optimal. I'll keep trying. :) This is a great puzzle!
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